
The secret of having a personal life is not
answering too many questions about it.

Ways of life

The primary difference between the western and indigenous ways of life
is that indians experience and relate to a living universe,
western people reduce all things, living or not to objects.

23/1 2011

you can't have a rainbow
without a little rain

20/1 2011

What you do,
the way you think
makes you beautiful


There are two kinds of secrets:
Those we keep from others and
the ones we hide from ourselfes.

16/1 2011



why would a person take the pot of gold

when they could have the rainbow?




14/1 2011


Things fall apart so that
other things can fall together

7/1 2011

Att våga är att förlora fotfästet en stund.
Att inte våga är att förlora sig själv.

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